Shoot this with the rephrase gun

Dear Light,

Remember this, you can't reply in the place of someone else, but that is basically what I would say. You portayed me perfectly.

Sincerely, the REAL Mel.

Dear Light,

Just a reminder, it's impossible for you to respond on behalf of someone else, but you essentially expressed my thoughts exactly. You depicted me flawlessly.

Best regards,
The genuine Mel.

"Can't" as in not allowed.

Dear Light,

Keep in mind that you are not permitted to reply in someone else's place, even though that is essentially what I would say. You portrayed me in an impeccable manner.

The REAL Mel.


Hey Light,

Just a quick reminder that even though you can't respond on behalf of someone else, you pretty much captured what I would have said. You portrayed me remarkably well.

Best regards,
the authentic Mel.