Identify ions present in KHCO3

The ions present in KHCO3 are:

1. Potassium ion (K+)
2. Bicarbonate ion (HCO3-)

To identify the ions present in KHCO3, we need to know the chemical formula of KHCO3, which is potassium hydrogen carbonate.

The ions present in KHCO3 are:

1. Potassium ion (K+): Potassium is a Group 1 element, so it typically loses one electron to attain a stable configuration. In KHCO3, there is one potassium ion present.

2. Bicarbonate ion (HCO3-): The bicarbonate ion consists of one hydrogen atom (H), one carbon atom (C), and three oxygen atoms (O). It has a negative charge (represented by the superscript -) due to the extra electron it gained. In KHCO3, there is one bicarbonate ion present.

Therefore, the ions present in KHCO3 are potassium ion (K+) and bicarbonate ion (HCO3-).