If the circumference of a circle is 22c cm, find its diameter. (π as 22/7).

The formula for the circumference of a circle is C = πd, where C is the circumference and d is the diameter.

Given that the circumference of the circle is 22c cm, we can write the equation as:

22c = (22/7)d

To find the diameter, we can rearrange the equation to solve for d:

d = (22c) / (22/7)

Simplifying further:

d = (22 * 7 * c) / 22

d = (154c) / 22

d = 7c cm

Therefore, the diameter of the circle is 7c cm.

To find the diameter of a circle, we can use the formula:

Diameter = Circumference / π

Given that the circumference of the circle is 22c cm and π is 22/7, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Diameter = 22c / (22/7)

Simplifying the equation:

Diameter = ((22/7) * 22c) / 22

Diameter = 22c / 1

Therefore, the diameter of the circle is 22c cm.