Based on the summary of descriptive statistics result presented in Table

2 below, interpret and briefly discuss the results for each variable (Hit:
Apply measurement concepts of central tendency and dispersion
Table 2: Summary of descriptive statistics results for the variables
Variable Mean Std. Dev. Min. Max.
Perception on Rate of Project
failure 0.576471 0.4970 0 1
Age 39.61176 40.2850 25 75
Gender 0.647059 0.4807 0 1
Education (in years of schooling) 16.64706 1.1922 13 18
Inadequate Fund 0.874118 0.1635 0 1
Low/no community participation 0.647059 0.4807 0 1
Change in government priorities 0.647059 0.7307 0 1
Inadequate human capita capacity 0.748824 0.4769 0 1

1. Perception on Rate of Project Failure: The mean value of 0.576 indicates that, on average, participants perceive a moderate level of project failure. The standard deviation of 0.497 suggests that there is a considerable amount of variability in perceptions, ranging from low to high levels of project failure.

2. Age: The mean age of participants is 39.61176 years, indicating a relatively young sample. The standard deviation of 40.2850 suggests a wide dispersion in age, with participants ranging from 25 to 75 years old.

3. Gender: The mean value of 0.647059 indicates that there is a slightly greater representation of one gender in the sample. The standard deviation of 0.4807 suggests moderate variability in gender representation.

4. Education (in years of schooling): The mean value of 16.64706 indicates that, on average, participants have completed around 16.6 years of schooling. The relatively low standard deviation of 1.1922 suggests little variability in years of education, as most participants fall within the range of 13 to 18 years.

5. Inadequate Fund: The mean value of 0.874118 suggests that the majority of participants perceive inadequate funding for projects. The small standard deviation of 0.1635 indicates low variability in responses, indicating a general consensus among participants.

6. Low/no community participation: The mean value of 0.647059 indicates that community participation in projects is generally perceived to be low or non-existent. The standard deviation of 0.4807 suggests moderate variability in responses, with some participants perceiving higher levels of community involvement.

7. Change in government priorities: The mean value of 0.647059 indicates that participants perceive a moderate level of change in government priorities affecting project outcomes. The high standard deviation of 0.7307 suggests a wide range of perceptions, with some participants perceiving significant changes and others perceiving minimal changes.

8. Inadequate human capital capacity: The mean value of 0.748824 suggests that participants perceive a relatively high level of inadequate human capital capacity in project implementation. The standard deviation of 0.4769 indicates moderate variability in responses, with some participants perceiving higher levels of capacity and others perceiving lower levels.

Overall, the descriptive statistics provide insights into the central tendencies and dispersion of the variables. They suggest that participants generally perceive moderate to high levels of project failure, inadequate funding, low community participation, change in government priorities, and inadequate human capital capacity. However, there is considerable variability in perceptions, indicating the diversity of perspectives within the sample.

The following is a matrix for the correlation results obtained in a study

conducted in one of the Breweries Companies in Tanzania. Based on
the magnitude or strength of association:
(a) Comment on the results
(b) Suggest any two possible solutions (if any) to enable
further data analysis for this study.
Variables Malt Hops Water Yeast Sugar Electricity
Malt 1.0000
Hops -0.2413 1.0000
Water -0.1029 -0.0685 1.0000
Yeast -0.4639 0.9774 -0.3075 1.0000
Sugar -0.2909 0.1504 -0.0641 0.8805 1.0000
Electricity -0.1397 0.1420 -0.1065 0.1353 0.0403 1.0000
Note that malt, hops, water, yeast, sugar and electricity are
independent variables.

(a) Comment on the results:

Based on the correlation matrix, we can observe the following associations between the variables:
- Malt: No significant correlation with any of the variables.
- Hops: Weak negative correlation with water and electricity.
- Water: Weak negative correlations with hops and yeast.
- Yeast: Strong positive correlation with hops and sugar, weak negative correlation with water, and weak negative correlation with electricity.
- Sugar: Strong positive correlation with yeast, weak positive correlation with hops, and weak positive correlation with electricity.
- Electricity: Weak positive correlation with yeast and sugar.

Overall, the associations between the variables are generally weak, with some exceptions. The strongest correlation is observed between yeast and hops, indicating a strong positive association.

(b) Possible solutions to enable further data analysis for this study:
1. Collect more data: The weak correlations observed in the current analysis may be due to a small sample size or limited range of values. Increasing the sample size or collecting data from different breweries could help uncover stronger associations between the variables.

2. Include additional variables: The weak correlations may also be attributed to the exclusion of important variables that could have a stronger relationship with the variables under study. Adding relevant variables, such as temperature, fermentation time, or specific brewing techniques, could potentially reveal stronger associations and provide a more comprehensive analysis.

The table presents descriptive statistics for each variable, including the mean, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum values. Let's discuss the results for each variable using the concepts of central tendency and dispersion.

1. Perception on Rate of Project Failure:
- Mean: 0.576471 - This suggests that, on average, respondents perceive a moderate rate of project failure.
- Standard deviation: 0.4970 - The relatively high standard deviation indicates a considerable amount of variability in respondents' perceptions.
- Minimum: 0 - This indicates that some respondents reported a low perception of project failure rates.
- Maximum: 1 - This suggests that some respondents reported a high perception of project failure rates.

2. Age:
- Mean: 39.61176 - The average age of the respondents is around 40.
- Standard deviation: 40.2850 - The large standard deviation indicates a wide dispersion of ages among the respondents.
- Minimum: 25 - The youngest respondent in the sample is 25 years old.
- Maximum: 75 - The oldest respondent in the sample is 75 years old.

3. Gender:
- Mean: 0.647059 - On average, the majority of respondents identify as a specific gender.
- Standard deviation: 0.4807 - The low standard deviation suggests that there is little variability in gender identification among the respondents.
- Minimum: 0 - This indicates that some respondents identified as a gender other than the majority.
- Maximum: 1 - This suggests that the majority of respondents identified as a particular gender.

4. Education (in years of schooling):
- Mean: 16.64706 - On average, respondents in the sample have completed around 17 years of schooling.
- Standard deviation: 1.1922 - The relatively low standard deviation suggests that there is minimal variability in the number of years of schooling among the respondents.
- Minimum: 13 - The minimum value indicates that some respondents have completed as little as 13 years of schooling.
- Maximum: 18 - The maximum value shows that some respondents have completed up to 18 years of schooling.

5. Inadequate Fund:
- Mean: 0.874118 - This suggests that, on average, respondents perceive a high level of inadequate funding.
- Standard deviation: 0.1635 - The relatively low standard deviation indicates that there is little variability in respondents' perceptions of inadequate funding.
- Minimum: 0 - This indicates that some respondents reported a low perception of inadequate funding.
- Maximum: 1 - This suggests that some respondents reported a high perception of inadequate funding.

6. Low/no community participation:
- Mean: 0.647059 - On average, respondents perceive a moderate level of low or no community participation in projects.
- Standard deviation: 0.4807 - The relatively low standard deviation suggests that there is little variability in respondents' perceptions of low or no community participation.
- Minimum: 0 - This indicates that some respondents reported a low perception of low or no community participation.
- Maximum: 1 - This suggests that some respondents reported a high perception of low or no community participation.

7. Change in government priorities:
- Mean: 0.647059 - On average, respondents perceive a moderate level of change in government priorities affecting projects.
- Standard deviation: 0.7307 - The relatively high standard deviation indicates a considerable amount of variability in respondents' perceptions of change in government priorities.
- Minimum: 0 - This indicates that some respondents reported a low perception of change in government priorities.
- Maximum: 1 - This suggests that some respondents reported a high perception of change in government priorities.

8. Inadequate human capital capacity:
- Mean: 0.748824 - On average, respondents perceive a high level of inadequate human capital capacity.
- Standard deviation: 0.4769 - The relatively low standard deviation indicates that there is little variability in respondents' perceptions of inadequate human capital capacity.
- Minimum: 0 - This indicates that some respondents reported a low perception of inadequate human capital capacity.
- Maximum: 1 - This suggests that some respondents reported a high perception of inadequate human capital capacity.

In summary, the descriptive statistics provide an overview of the central tendency and dispersion of each variable. The interpretation of these results allows us to understand the average values and variability within the sample for each variable under examination.