How does Eveline intend to leave Dublin to elope with her lover

In James Joyce's short story "Eveline," Eveline intends to leave Dublin to elope with her lover by taking a ship to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Throughout the story, Eveline dreams of leaving her monotonous and oppressive life in Dublin to start afresh with her lover in a foreign land. She longs for the excitement and adventure that this escape promises, as well as the chance to be with her lover, Frank, whom she sees as her ticket to a better life.

Eveline plans to board the night ferryboat at the North Wall Quay and travel to Liverpool with Frank. From there, they will catch a ship to Buenos Aires and begin a new life together. This escape plan represents her desire to break free from her stifling environment and the abusive relationships she experienced at home. Eveline is torn between the fear of the unknown and holding onto the familiarity of her current life, which ultimately leads her to question whether she should go through with her plan or stay in Dublin.

1. In James Joyce's short story "Eveline," the titular character plans to leave Dublin to elope with her lover. Here are the steps she intends to take:

2. First, Eveline plans to meet her lover, Frank, at a specific location. In the story, this is mentioned as an agreed-upon meeting point.

3. Eveline then intends to board a ship with Frank. The destination is not explicitly mentioned in the story, but it is implied that they plan to leave Dublin and start a new life elsewhere.

4. To leave Dublin undetected, Eveline plans to keep her intentions a secret from her abusive father. She fears his reaction and the potential consequences if he discovers her plan.

5. Eveline is also concerned about leaving her mother and younger siblings behind. She feels a sense of duty towards her family, which creates an emotional struggle within her.

6. Throughout the story, Eveline reflects on her past experiences and fears about the unknown future. As she stands on the dock, she contemplates whether she should go through with her plan or stay in Dublin, ultimately feeling paralyzed by her internal conflict.

It's important to note that Eveline's intentions are never fully realized in the story, as she eventually decides against leaving with Frank, staying in Dublin instead.