Item: Group Assignment
DIRECTION: Read the following text carefully and answer each of the questions according to the given instruction that follow it.
An excellent way to get acquainted with the two function of your mind is to look upon your own mind as a garden. You are a gardener, and you are planting seeds in your subconscious mind all day long, based on your habitual thinking. As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall reap in your body and environment. Begin now to sow the thoughts of peace, happiness, right actions, good will, and prosperity. Think quietly and with interest on these qualities and accept them fully in your conscious reasoning mind. Continue to plant these wonderful seeds in the garden of your mind, and you will reap a glorious harvest. Your subconscious mind may be likened to the soil, which will grow all kinds of seeds- good or bad act. Do all mankind gather the grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Every thought is therefore, a cause and every condition is an effect. For this reason, it is an essential that you take a charge of your thoughts so as to bring forth only desirable conditions.
When your mind thinks correctly, understand the truth, and when the thoughts deposited in your subconscious mind are constructive, harmonious, and peaceful, the magic of working power of your subconscious mind will respond and bring about harmonious conditions, agreeable surroundings, and the best of everything. The infinite intelligence within your subconscious mind can reveal to you everything you need to know at every moment of time and point of space provided you are open-minded and receptive. You can receive new thoughts and ideas enabling you to bring forth new inventions or discoveries. When you begin to control your thought processes, you start to apply the power of your subconscious mind to any problem or difficulty. In other words, you will actually be consciously cooperating with the infinite power, and omnipotent law that governs all the things in your context you are living.
Look around you wherever you live and you will notice that the vast majority of mankind lives the world without; the more enlightened men are intensely increased in the world within, namely your thoughts, feelings, and imagery that makes your world without. It is, therefore, the only creative power, and everything, which you find in your world of expression, has been created by you in the inner world of your mind consciously or unconsciously. The subconscious mind is like the navigator or captain at the bridge of a ship. He directs the ship and signals orders to men in the engine room, who in turn control all the boilers, instruments, and gauges. The men in the engine room do not know where they are going; they follow orders. They would go on the rocks if the man on the bridge issued faulty or wrong instructions based on the findings with the compass, sextant, and other instruments. The man in the engine room obeys him because he is in charge and issue orders, which are automatically obeyed.
Knowledge of the interaction of your conscious and subconscious minds will enable you to transform your whole life. In order to change external conditions, you must change the cause. Most men try to change conditions and circumstances by working with conditions and circumstances. To remove discord, confusion, lack and limitation, you must remove the cause, and the cause is the way you are using your conscious mind. In other words, the way you are thinking and picturing in your mind that is living in a fathomless sea of infinite riches. Your subconscious mind is very sensitive to your thoughts. Your thoughts form the mold or matrix through which the infinite intelligence, wisdom, vital forces, and energies of subconscious flow. The practical application of the laws of your mind will cause you to experience abundance for poverty, wisdom for superstition and ignorance, peace for pain, joy for sadness, light for darkness, harmony for discord, faith and confidence for fear, success for failure, and freedom blessing than these forms- a mental, emotional and material standpoint. Most of the great scientists, artists, poets, singers, writers, and investors have a deep understanding of the working of the conscious and subconscious minds.
It is must to understand the two levels of human mind-the conscious or rational and the subconscious or irrational level. The subconscious mind is reactive and responds to the nature of your thoughts. When your conscious mind (the Little Me) is full of fear, worry, and anxiety, the negative emotions engendered in your subconscious mind (the Big Me) is released and flood the conscious mind with a sense of panic, foreboding, and despair. When this happens, you can speak affirmatively and with deep sense of authority to the irrational emotions generated in your deep mind. It is fascinating and intensely interesting to observe how you can speak authoritatively and with conviction to the irrational moment of your deeper self bringing silence, harmony, and peace to your mind. The subconscious is subject to the conscious mind, and that is why it is called subconscious or subjective.
Adapted from: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind: Dr.Joseph Murphy, 2010
I) Choose the best answer for each of the following questions from the given alternatives. (1pt each)
1. Which one of the following statements is true according to paragraph -1?
A) The best way to understand the function of human mind is take it to as gardener.
B) The long-day habitual thinking determines the quality of the function of the mind.
C) The function of the garden for the farmers is the best analogous to acquaint the function of
human mind.
D) B and C are potentially true statements.
2. Which one of the following is the appropriate topic for the above passage?
A) The structure of human mind
B) How conscious and subconscious mind process information.
C) Thoughts and human mind
D) Sowing the seeds in the garden and harvest it.
II) The following pronouns or words are taken from the above text, and then write the phrase or a word that they refer in the space provided. (1 pt each)
3. ‘Seeds’ paragraph-1 refers to ________________________________________________
4 ‘these’ paragraph-4 refers to ________________________________________________
III) Guess the contextual meaning of the following words that are taken from above text.
5 ‘engendered’ paragraph-5 __________________________________________________
6. ‘throns’ paragraph-1 ___________________________________________________
IV) Answer the following questions according to the above text.
7. In the passage above why the writer used the analogy ‘Your subconscious mind may be likened to the soil…’ Because ____________________________________________________
8. The writer argued that the practical application of the laws of mind are used to experience abundance for poverty, wisdom for superstition and ignorance, peace for pain, joy for sadness, light for darkness, harmony for discord, faith and confidence for fear, success for failure, etc. What do you understand from this argument? (2pts)
9. Write the summary of the above passage in a single paragraph that contains fifty (150) words. (Grammar. Word choice, flow of ideas, using punctuation marks, and neatness count while scoring.) (10pts)
NOTICE: Any forms of plagiarism lead your mark to disqualify.
Group Member
Name ID
1.___________________________________ __________________________
2.___________________________________ ___________________________
3.___________________________________ ___________________________
4.____________________________________ ___________________________
5. ___________________________________ ___________________________

It seems like you are asking for answers to a reading comprehension assignment. However, I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that.

I) Choose the best answer for each of the following questions from the given alternatives. (1pt each)

1. Which one of the following statements is true according to paragraph -1?
A) The best way to understand the function of the human mind is to take it as a gardener.
B) The long-day habitual thinking determines the quality of the function of the mind.
C) The function of the garden for the farmers is the best analogous to acquaint the function of the human mind.
D) B and C are potentially true statements.

Answer: A) The best way to understand the function of the human mind is to take it as a gardener.

2. Which one of the following is the appropriate topic for the above passage?
A) The structure of the human mind
B) How conscious and subconscious mind process information.
C) Thoughts and the human mind
D) Sowing the seeds in the garden and harvest it.

Answer: B) How conscious and subconscious mind process information.

II) The following pronouns or words are taken from the above text, and then write the phrase or word that they refer to in the space provided. (1 pt each)

3. 'Seeds' paragraph-1 refers to _______________________________

Answer: The thoughts of peace, happiness, right actions, good will, and prosperity

4. 'these' paragraph-4 refers to ______________________________

Answer: The thoughts of peace, happiness, right actions, good will, and prosperity

III) Guess the contextual meaning of the following words that are taken from the above text.

5. 'engendered' paragraph-5 _______________________________

Answer: To cause or give rise to (negative emotions)

6. 'thorns' paragraph-1 _______________________________

Answer: Difficulties or problems

IV) Answer the following questions according to the above text.

7. In the passage above, why did the writer use the analogy 'Your subconscious mind may be likened to the soil...' Because _______________________________

Answer: The subconscious mind is compared to soil as it can grow all kinds of seeds (thoughts), whether good or bad, just like soil can grow all kinds of plants. The analogy helps to explain how thoughts and conditions are interconnected.

8. The writer argued that the practical application of the laws of mind are used to experience abundance for poverty, wisdom for superstition and ignorance, peace for pain, joy for sadness, light for darkness, harmony for discord, faith and confidence for fear, success for failure, etc. What do you understand from this argument?

Answer: The writer is suggesting that by changing one's thoughts and beliefs, one can change their experience and reality. By focusing on positive and constructive thoughts, one can attract abundance, wisdom, peace, joy, etc., and overcome negative experiences and limitations.

9. Write a summary of the above passage in a single paragraph that contains fifty (150) words.

Answer: The passage discusses the power of the subconscious mind and its influence on our lives. Using the analogy of a garden, the writer explains that our habitual thinking is like planting seeds in the subconscious mind. By sowing thoughts of peace, happiness, and prosperity, we can create positive conditions in our lives. The writer emphasizes the importance of consciously controlling our thoughts to bring about desirable conditions. The subconscious mind is compared to soil, capable of growing both good and bad seeds. By understanding and working with the conscious and subconscious minds, we can transform our lives and manifest abundance, wisdom, and success.