solve 8^x=4^2y+1 and 27^2x=9^y-3 giving your answer as an exact fraction


3x = 4y+2

6x = 2y-6
so now solve
3x = 4y+2
3x = y-3

4y+2 = y-3
3y = -5
y = -5/3
so x = -14/9

To solve the given system of equations:

Equation 1: 3x = 4y + 2
Equation 2: 3x = y - 3

First, we can set both equations equal to each other since they are both equal to 3x:
4y + 2 = y - 3

Simplifying this equation:
4y - y = -3 - 2
3y = -5

Dividing both sides by 3, we get:
y = -5/3

Substituting this value of y into Equation 1, we can solve for x:
3x = 4(-5/3) + 2
3x = -20/3 + 2
3x = (-20 + 6) / 3
3x = -14/3

Dividing both sides by 3:
x = -14/9

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is x = -14/9 and y = -5/3.

To solve these equations, we will use the properties of exponents and logarithms.

1) 8^x = 4^(2y+1)

First, let's rewrite 8 as 2^3 and rewrite 4 as 2^2:

(2^3)^x = (2^2)^(2y+1)

Using the property of exponents that (a^m)^n = a^(m * n), we have:

2^(3x) = 2^(2(2y+1))

Since the bases are the same, we can equate the exponents:

3x = 2(2y+1)

Now simplify the equation:

3x = 4y + 2

2) 27^(2x) = 9^(y-3)

Again, let's rewrite the bases:

(3^3)^(2x) = (3^2)^(y-3)

Using the property that (a^m)^n = a^(m * n):

3^(3(2x)) = 3^(2(y-3))

Equating the exponents:

3^(6x) = 3^(2y-6)

Now, set the exponents equal to each other:

6x = 2y - 6

Now we have a system of equations:

3x = 4y + 2 ...(equation 1)
6x = 2y - 6 ...(equation 2)

We can solve this system by substituting 6x from equation 2 into equation 1:

3(2y-6) = 4y + 2

Expand and simplify:

6y - 18 = 4y + 2

Subtract 4y from both sides:

2y - 18 = 2

Add 18 to both sides:

2y = 20

Divide both sides by 2:

y = 10

Now substitute the value of y into equation 1:

3x = 4(10) + 2

3x = 40 + 2

3x = 42

Divide both sides by 3:

x = 14/3

So the solutions to the system of equations are x = 14/3 and y = 10, expressed as exact fractions.

To solve the equations, we can rewrite the bases using the same exponent. For the first equation, we can rewrite 8 as 2^3 and 4 as 2^2.

So, the equation becomes:
(2^3)^x = (2^2)^(2y+1)
2^(3x) = 2^(2(2y+1))

Since the bases are equal, we can equate the exponents:
3x = 2(2y+1)

Now, let's solve the second equation.
We can rewrite 27 as 3^3 and 9 as 3^2.

So, the equation becomes:
(3^3)^(2x) = (3^2)^(y-3)
3^(6x) = 3^(2(y-3))

Again, equating the exponents:
6x = 2(y-3)

Simplifying both equations, we have a system of linear equations:
3x = 2(2y+1) ----(1)
6x = 2(y-3) ----(2)

From equation (1), we get:
3x = 4y + 2 ----(3)

Now, we can substitute equation (3) into equation (2):
6x = 2(3x - 9)
6x = 6x - 18
0 = -18

Since we have reached a contradiction (0 = -18), there is no solution to this system of equations.
Hence, there is no exact fraction solution to the given system.