Which are the principal economical partners of Canada?

Living in Canada, I can answer that.
The principal economic partner of Canada is the USA, and the number one partner of the USA is Canada.
Together we form the largest trading partnership in the world, at about 1 Billion Dollars per day.
Canada's other main partners are the European countries, Japan and China.

Check the Economy section of this site for Canada's Import Partners and Export Partners.


here is a webpage for the data you need


To determine the principal economic partners of Canada, you can refer to various sources such as government reports, official statistics, and economic research. Here are a few steps you can follow to gain reliable information on this topic:

1. National Economic Websites: Visit the official website of the Canadian government's economic department or ministry. These websites often provide detailed information about Canada's economic partners, including trade data, export-import statistics, and trade agreements.

2. Economic Reports: Refer to reports published by international organizations like the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Trade Organization (WTO), or the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). These reports often include analysis and data on Canada's principal economic partners.

3. Economic Databases: Access economic databases like the CIA World Factbook, which provides a wide range of economic and geopolitical information about countries worldwide. Additionally, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada offers resources and data on Canada's trade relationships.

4. Official Statistics: Explore official statistical agencies, such as Statistics Canada, which provides comprehensive trade data and analyses. The agency releases reports, including the Canadian International Merchandise Trade, which provides information on Canada's imports and exports.

5. Research Institutions: Consult reputable economic research institutions and think tanks that focus on Canada's economy. These institutions often conduct in-depth studies, publish reports, and offer insights into Canada's economic partnerships.

By combining information from multiple sources, you can obtain an accurate view of Canada's principal economic partners. Remember to cross-reference data from different sources to ensure reliability and to consider the latest updates and trends in economic relationships.