Question 3 "Tells own news" TMN3702/2023 ASSIGNMENT 2 Is an extract from the CAPS document, the learners in your classroom are expected to prepare a speech entitled "My Holiday News". Answer the following questions: 3. 1. What pre- speaking activities would you do? 3. 2. What while - speaking activities would you do? 3. 3. How would you integrate other skills into this lesson? 3. 4. How would you assess the learners prepared speeches? (5) (5) (10) (5) [25] TOTAL MARKS: 100​

3.1 Pre-speaking activities:

- Brainstorming: Start by discussing the concept of "news" with the students and ask them to share some examples of news they have heard or read about recently.
- Vocabulary Building: Introduce and explain key vocabulary related to holidays and news, such as destinations, activities, experiences, etc. Use visual aids, flashcards or realia to assist the understanding and retention of the new words.
- Graphic Organizers: Provide students with a graphic organizer (such as a mind map or a KWL chart) to help them organize their ideas and plan their speeches. This will enable them to structure their thoughts and facilitate their oral expression.

3.2 While-speaking activities:
- Pair or group work: Divide the class into pairs or small groups and have them share and discuss their holiday experiences. This will give them the opportunity to practice speaking and listening skills as they share their news with each other.
- Role-play: Assign different roles to students, such as news anchors or reporters, and have them present their holiday news in a simulated news broadcast. This will allow them to practice speaking in a more interactive and engaging way.

3.3 Integration of other skills:
- Reading: Have students read news articles or stories about holidays or vacation experiences. This will help them develop their reading comprehension skills and provide them with examples of how to present news effectively.
- Writing: Ask students to write a short news report or summary of their holiday experiences. This will help them practice their writing skills and reinforce the vocabulary and structures learned during the lesson.

3.4 Assessment of the learners' prepared speeches:
- Use a rubric: Develop a rubric with specific criteria to assess the quality of the learners' speeches. This can include factors such as clarity, organization, vocabulary usage, grammar accuracy, and overall presentation skills.
- Peer evaluation: Assign students the task of evaluating their classmates' speeches using the same rubric. This encourages self-reflection and provides an opportunity for students to give and receive constructive feedback.
- Teacher feedback: Provide individual feedback to each student, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement. This feedback can be given orally or in writing and should be specific and actionable.

Overall, the assessment should focus on the learners' ability to communicate their holiday news effectively, using appropriate vocabulary and structures, while also taking into account their presentation skills and overall confidence in speaking.

3.1. Pre-speaking activities:

- Brainstorming: Start by asking the students to share their experiences or memories from their recent holiday. Encourage them to think about different aspects such as places visited, activities done, people met, or cultural experiences.
- Vocabulary building: Introduce new vocabulary related to holiday activities or destinations that the students can use in their speeches. You can use flashcards, word banks, or interactive online activities to reinforce the vocabulary.
- Structuring the speech: Guide the students on how to organize their speech effectively. Teach them about the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Provide examples and discuss the importance of clear and concise communication.

3.2. While-speaking activities:
- Pair or group discussions: Assign pairs or small groups to share their holiday news with each other. This will help build confidence and give them an opportunity to practice their speaking skills.
- Role-playing: Assign different roles to students and have them act out conversations or interviews related to their holiday news. This will allow them to practice speaking in a more authentic context.
- Peer feedback: Encourage students to provide constructive feedback to their peers after each speech presentation. This will promote active listening skills and improve their ability to give and receive feedback.

3.3. Integration of other skills:
- Reading: Provide reading materials such as travel brochures, holiday blogs, or newspaper articles about different travel destinations. This will help students expand their knowledge and gain more ideas for their own speeches.
- Writing: Ask students to write a rough draft of their speech before presenting it orally. This will help them organize their thoughts and refine their language expression.
- Listening: Play audio or video clips related to holidays or travel experiences. This will expose students to different accents and help improve their listening skills.

3.4. Assessment of the learners' prepared speeches:
- Content: Assess the learners' ability to provide relevant information about their holiday experience, including details about the places they visited, activities they engaged in, and their overall impression.
- Organization: Evaluate the structure of the speech, including a clear introduction, coherent paragraphs, and a logical conclusion.
- Delivery: Assess the learners' pronunciation, fluency, and use of appropriate intonation and body language.
- Vocabulary and grammar: Evaluate the learners' use of vocabulary and grammar appropriate to their level, as well as their ability to communicate effectively.
- Peer assessment: Consider incorporating a peer assessment component where students provide feedback on each other's speeches, focusing on strengths and areas for improvement.

Overall, the assessment should focus on the learners' ability to communicate their holiday news effectively, demonstrating confidence, organization, and clarity of expression.