The chart below shows the average number of movies seen per person in selected countries.

A chart is shown with 2 columns.The first column is titled Country. The second column is titled Average number of movies a person sees in a year.
Row 1: Turkey space 0.5
Row 2: Japan space 1.2
Row 3: United Kingdom space 1.3
Row 4: Finland space 1.3
Row 5: Austria space 1.5
Row 6: Germany space 1.8
Row 7: Spain space 2.2
Row 8: Sweden space 2.2
Row 9: Denmark space 2.2
Row 10: Switzerland space 2.5
Row 11: France space 2.5
Row 12: Norway space 3.0
Row 13: Canada space 3.0
Row 14: United States space 4.5
Use equal intervals to make a frequency table for the average number of movies per person. You do not need to show tally marks.

The frequency table for the average number of movies per person using equal intervals can be created as follows:

Interval Frequency
0.5-1.0 2
1.0-1.5 2
1.5-2.0 1
2.0-2.5 3
2.5-3.0 2
3.0-3.5 0
3.5-4.0 0
4.0-4.5 1

Note: The intervals are determined based on the range of values in the data provided.

To create a frequency table for the average number of movies per person using equal intervals, we need to determine the intervals and then count the frequencies.

Let's start by determining the intervals. Looking at the data provided, we can see that the minimum value is 0.5, and the maximum value is 4.5. We can choose an interval size of 1.

Using an interval size of 1, we can create the following frequency table:

Interval Frequency
0.5 - 1.4 4
1.5 - 2.4 5
2.5 - 3.4 3
3.5 - 4.4 2

To determine the frequencies, we count the number of countries falling within each interval. For example, in the 0.5-1.4 interval, there are 4 countries (Turkey, Japan, United Kingdom, and Finland). In the 1.5-2.4 interval, there are 5 countries, and so on.

Please note that this frequency table was created using equal intervals of size 1.