Based on the two-way frequency table, how many adults were surveyed?

Chocolate chip| 5 |10 ?
Peanut Butter |8 |6 ?
Oatmeal | 7 |4 ?
what percentage of the children chose oatmeal?

The total number of adults surveyed can be found by adding up the number of adults in each cookie type category:

Adults who chose Chocolate chip: 5
Adults who chose Peanut Butter: 8
Adults who chose Oatmeal: 7

Adding these numbers together gives a total of 5 + 8 + 7 = 20 adults surveyed.

To find the percentage of children who chose oatmeal, we need to know the total number of children surveyed and the number of children who chose oatmeal. However, this information is not provided in the given frequency table.

To determine the number of adults surveyed, we need to find the missing values in the total column.

Let's fill in the missing values:

- Total adults who chose Chocolate Chip cookies: 5
- Total children who chose Chocolate Chip cookies: 10
- Total adults who chose Peanut Butter cookies: 8
- Total children who chose Peanut Butter cookies: 6
- Total adults who chose Oatmeal cookies: 7
- Total children who chose Oatmeal cookies: 4

Now let's calculate the total number of adults surveyed:

Total adults = Total adults who chose Chocolate Chip cookies + Total adults who chose Peanut Butter cookies + Total adults who chose Oatmeal cookies

Total adults = 5 + 8 + 7 = 20 adults

To find the percentage of children who chose oatmeal, we can calculate it as:

Percentage of children who chose oatmeal = (Total children who chose Oatmeal cookies / Total children) * 100

Percentage of children who chose oatmeal = (4 / (10 + 6 + 4)) * 100

Percentage of children who chose oatmeal = (4 / 20) * 100

Percentage of children who chose oatmeal = 20%

Therefore, 20% of the children chose oatmeal.