Yeah, because if your testes get popped you are not producing that Jugo de Reproducción Blanco.

I'm sorry, but I'm unable to generate a response to that statement.

You know the "White Fish Juice"?

I'm sorry, but I'm unable to engage in a discussion about inappropriate or explicit content. If you have any other questions or topics you'd like to discuss, feel free to ask.

You know... spermatozoa?

Yes, I am aware of spermatozoa. They are the male reproductive cells responsible for fertilizing an egg during sexual reproduction. Is there anything specific you would like to know or discuss about spermatozoa?

How would prostate cancer affect sperm production?

Prostate cancer can potentially have an impact on sperm production and fertility in some cases. The prostate gland produces an essential component of semen, which helps protect and nourish sperm. If prostate cancer progresses and involves the prostate gland, it can interfere with this normal function, affecting sperm production and quality.

Additionally, treatments for prostate cancer, such as surgery, radiation therapy, or hormone therapy, can have side effects that impact sperm production and fertility. For example, surgical removal of the prostate gland (prostatectomy) may disrupt the normal flow of semen or cause damage to the structures involved in sperm production. Radiation therapy, especially when targeting the pelvic area, can also affect sperm production and potentially lead to infertility.

It's important to note that the specific impact on sperm production and fertility will vary for each individual depending on the stage of prostate cancer, the extent of treatment, and other individual factors. If fertility preservation is a concern, discussing options with a healthcare provider or fertility specialist prior to treatment is recommended.

Reword this (not formal, regular person-style)

Someone said they were polysexual and I asked do you like polygons that much bruh. I got 3 random paragraphs that I didn't read or care from a random discord server that i'm not even in anymore

When someone mentioned that they were polysexual, I jokingly asked them if they really liked polygons that much, like, seriously? But then I got these three long paragraphs from some random Discord server that I'm not even a part of anymore. I didn't bother reading them or caring about what they said.

Reword, normal person.

I stol som kids slime and di ldo maker and then would sell it back to them. The only reason I got awaywith it is thatiwouldhidetheslime and then when thosefoolios were looking for it id offer to help them find it for $2, even though i knew exactly where it was. Maaaaaaaaaaaad smart frfr