What is another name for Angle 1?

Line segments H E and E F combine to form an angle. Line segment E G comes out of the angle to form 2 angles. Angle H E G is 2 and angle G E F is 1.
Angle G E F
Angle E G F
Angle H E G
Angle E G H

Angle E G H

Which pair of angles are complementary but not adjacent?

A vertical line comes out of a horizontal line. A diagonal line goes through the 2 lines to form 5 angles. From top left, clockwise, the angles are 2 (90 degrees), 1, 5, 4, 3.
Angle 1 and Angle 5
Angle 1 and Angle 3
Angle 4 and Angle 1
Angle 4 and Angle 5

Angle 1 and Angle 3

Which statement is true about angles 1 and 2?

3 lines intersect to form 6 angles. Clockwise, from top left, the angles 2 (90 degrees), 1, 6, 5 (90 degrees), 4, 3.
They are adjacent angles.
They are complementary angles.
They are supplementary angles.
They are vertical angles.

They are supplementary angles.

If the measure of angle 3 is equal to (2x + 6)° and x = 7, which statements are true? Check all that apply.

3 lines intersect to form 6 angles. From top left, clockwise, the angles are 1 (90 degrees), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
The measure of angle 6 is 20°.
The measure of angle 5 is 70°.
The measure of angle 2 is 80°.
Angles 2 and 5 are complementary.
Angles 5 and 6 are supplementary.
Angles 1 and 4 are supplementary.

- The measure of angle 3 is (2x + 6)° = 2(7) + 6 = 20°.

- The measure of angle 6 is 180 - 20 = 160°. Therefore, "The measure of angle 6 is 20°" is not true.
- The measure of angle 5 is 70°, since angles 3 and 5 are vertical angles and have equal measures.
- The measure of angle 2 is 80°, since angles 2 and 3 are supplementary and add up to 100°.
- Angles 2 and 5 are not complementary, since their sum is 80° + 70° = 150°, which is less than 180°. Therefore, "Angles 2 and 5 are complementary" is not true.
- Angles 5 and 6 are supplementary, since 70° + 160° = 230°, which is equal to 180° + 50°. Therefore, "Angles 5 and 6 are supplementary" is true.
- Angles 1 and 4 are supplementary, since they form a straight line and add up to 90° + 90° = 180°. Therefore, "Angles 1 and 4 are supplementary" is true.

The statements that are true are:
- The measure of angle 5 is 70°.
- The measure of angle 2 is 80°.
- Angles 5 and 6 are supplementary.
- Angles 1 and 4 are supplementary.

cWhich pair of angles must be supplementary?

A vertical line comes out of a horizontal line. A diagonal line goes through the 2 lines to form 5 angles. From top left, clockwise, the angles are 2 (90 degrees), 1, 5, 4, 3.
Angle 1 and Angle 5
Angle 5 and Angle 3
Angle 4 and Angle 5
Angle 4 and Angle 1

Angle 4 and Angle 1 must be supplementary, since they form a straight line.

If the measure of angle 2 is 92 degrees and the measure of angle 4 is (one-half x) degrees, what is the value of x?

2 lines intersect to form 4 angles. From top left, clockwise, the angles are 1, 4, 3, 2.