if ke is match greater than force of attraction.this will be happen at ?

This statement does not make sense as KE (kinetic energy) and force of attraction are two different things and cannot be compared directly. Additionally, it is not clear what "this" is referring to. Please provide more context or information for a proper answer.

If the kinetic energy (KE) of an object is greater than the force of attraction acting upon it, the object will experience a net acceleration away from the source of the force of attraction. This can occur in a variety of situations. For example, if an object is pulled away from the surface of the Earth with a force weaker than the object's weight, and it is given enough initial velocity or energy to overcome the force of gravity, it will continue to rise upwards. Another example would be an object moving in a circular path, where the force of attraction towards the center (centripetal force) is weaker than the object's kinetic energy, causing it to move away from the center. Ultimately, this situation can occur in any scenario where the object possesses enough energy to overcome the force of attraction acting upon it.