Joe worked 7 hours and packed 24 cartons. Bob worked 4 hours and packed 13 cartons. Who packed the most cartoons per hour?

To find out who packed the most cartons per hour, we can divide the number of cartons packed by the number of hours worked for each person:

Joe: 24 cartons ÷ 7 hours = 3.43 cartons per hour
Bob: 13 cartons ÷ 4 hours = 3.25 cartons per hour

Therefore, Joe packed the most cartons per hour with an average of 3.43 cartons per hour compared to Bob's 3.25 cartons per hour.

To determine who packed the most cartons per hour, we need to calculate the cartons packed per hour for both Joe and Bob.

For Joe:
Cartons per hour = Total cartons packed / Total hours worked
Cartons per hour for Joe = 24 cartons / 7 hours

For Bob:
Cartons per hour for Bob = 13 cartons / 4 hours

Calculating the cartons per hour for both individuals:

Joe: 24 cartons / 7 hours = 3.43 cartons per hour (rounded to two decimal places)
Bob: 13 cartons / 4 hours = 3.25 cartons per hour (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, Joe packed the most cartons per hour with 3.43 cartons per hour.