It has been found that 82 percent of children with OCD have families high in a. Passive parenting style b. Expressed emotion c. Maternal influence d. Authoritarian parenting style

d. Authoritarian parenting style

The correct answer is b. Expressed emotion.

Step 1: Start by understanding the question and the given information. The question states that 82 percent of children with OCD have families high in a certain characteristic.

Step 2: Examine the answer choices provided:
a. Passive parenting style
b. Expressed emotion
c. Maternal influence
d. Authoritarian parenting style

Step 3: Evaluate each answer choice based on its relevance to the given information.
a. Passive parenting style: This answer choice refers to a parenting style characterized by lack of discipline and control. There is no mention of this in the given information, so it is unlikely to be the correct answer.
b. Expressed emotion: This answer choice refers to when family members are critical, hostile, or emotionally over-involved. The given information suggests that a high level of expressed emotion in families is associated with children having OCD. This is in line with the information provided, so it is a possible correct answer.
c. Maternal influence: This answer choice refers to the influence of the mother. There is no direct mention of this in the given information, so it is unlikely to be the correct answer.
d. Authoritarian parenting style: This answer choice refers to a parenting style characterized by high demands and strict control. There is no mention of this in the given information, so it is unlikely to be the correct answer.

Step 4: Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is b. Expressed emotion, as it aligns with the given information that 82 percent of children with OCD have families high in expressed emotion.