A milkman sold 37.27litre of milk on Monday,29.89litre on Tuesday and 35.6l on Wednesday. How much did he sell from Monday to Wednesday

The milkman sold a total of 102.76 litres from Monday to Wednesday.

To find out, you simply need to add up the amount of milk he sold on each day:

37.27 + 29.89 + 35.6 = 102.76

To determine the total amount of milk the milkman sold from Monday to Wednesday, we need to add up the quantities sold on each day.

The milkman sold 37.27 liters on Monday.
He sold 29.89 liters on Tuesday.
And he sold 35.6 liters on Wednesday.

Adding these quantities together, we get:

37.27 + 29.89 + 35.6 = 102.76 liters

Therefore, the milkman sold a total of 102.76 liters of milk from Monday to Wednesday.