What is an example of how a tracker might cover their tracks after compromising a system?

Shred evidence files
Hide data in images
Install a rootkit
All of the above

All of the above.

True or False: The primary purpose of a rootkit is to allow a user unregulated and undetected access to a compromised system.

Falsee above


Which of these is NOT a cracking technique?

Brute force attack
Dictionary attack
Encrypted attack

Encrypted attack.

All of the above. A tracker may employ multiple methods to cover their tracks. Shredding evidence files helps ensure that any digital traces are permanently deleted. Hiding data in images is known as steganography and can be used to conceal information within the pixels of an image. Installing a rootkit allows the tracker to maintain persistent control over the compromised system while concealing their presence from detection.

All of the options you mentioned are potential ways that a tracker might cover their tracks after compromising a system. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

1. Shred evidence files: When an attacker compromises a system, they may want to erase any trace of their presence. One way they can do this is by deleting or overwriting files that contain evidence of their activities. This can be done using specialized software or even by manually deleting files and emptying the recycle bin.

2. Hide data in images: Another technique that attackers may use to cover their tracks is steganography, which involves hiding data within digital images. They could embed sensitive information, such as command and control instructions or exfiltrated data, inside seemingly innocent image files. This can make it difficult for security systems to detect the presence of the hidden information.

3. Install a rootkit: A rootkit is a collection of software tools that allows an attacker to maintain unauthorized access to a compromised system while hiding their presence. By installing a rootkit, the attacker can gain privileged access to the system and potentially manipulate or alter the system logs, making it more challenging to track their activities.

While these methods can be employed by a tracker to cover their tracks, it's important to note that defending against such tactics requires robust security measures, including regular system monitoring, intrusion detection systems, proper access controls, and data backup strategies. Additionally, employing security best practices such as strong passwords, up-to-date software, and regular security patches can reduce the likelihood of successful attacks.