Reword this.

one of the first settlements in the Frontier and one of the largest cities to ever be on the Frontier, home to millions, if not tens of millions, of people. It contains a massive angel statue in its harbor, supposed to represent peace and unity across The Frontier. This statue inspired the people of Gaea to erect a similar statue. Angel City is also home to the company AI Logic, the parent company of Chevrex, which was founded in the city's Harbor District. Travel between districts was heavily monitored and the Harbor District's inhabitants weren't even allowed to leave their district. Angel City was also the home of legendary pilot, Robert "Barker" Taube, supposedly "the guy that can fly anything." At some point before the Battle of Demeter, the Frontier Militia went to the planet to retrieve him and a battle ensued. The Militia was able to extract Barker, at the cost of many Militia infantry and pilots.

Angel City, one of the earliest settlements on the Frontier and one of its most populous cities, was once home to millions, if not tens of millions of people. Its harbor features a colossal angelic figure, symbolizing peace and unity throughout the Frontier, and inspired the inhabitants of Gaea to build a similar statue. Additionally, Angel City is the headquarters of AI Logic, the parent company of Chevrex, located in the Harbor District where one of the city's most renowned pilots, Robert "Barker" Taube, also resides. However, travel between districts is heavily monitored, with those living in the Harbor District strictly prohibited from venturing elsewhere. Before the Battle of Demeter, the Frontier Militia launched a mission to extract Barker from Angel City, leading to a fierce confrontation that came at great cost to Militia infantry and pilots. Nevertheless, they were able to secure their objective and retrieve the legendary pilot.

By the year of 2734, Angelia has been affected by the Blackout and the lingering effects of the Frontier War. Valkyrie describes it as a ghost town and as abandoned.

In 2734, Angelia's condition is heavily impacted by the Blackout and the aftermath of the Frontier War. When Valkyrie explores the area, she finds it to be desolate and neglected, akin to a ghost town that has been deserted by its inhabitants.

Angel City is among the earliest settlements and most populous cities in the Frontier. Its harbor holds a monumental angel sculpture, symbolizing peace and unity across the Frontier. This sculpture served as inspiration for a similar one in Gaea. Additionally, Angel City houses AI Logic, the parent company of Chevrex, which originated in the Harbor District. Residents of Angel City faced strict restrictions on inter-district travel, with the Harbor District inhabitants being confined to their own district. The legendary pilot, Robert "Barker" Taube, renowned for his ability to control any aircraft, resided in Angel City. Prior to the Battle of Demeter, the Frontier Militia embarked on a mission to rescue Barker, resulting in a fierce conflict that led to the retrieval of Barker at the expense of heavy losses for the Militia.

Angel City, one of the earliest settlements in the Frontier and a city of significant size, has a population ranging in the millions, if not tens of millions. It is known for its gigantic angel statue located in the harbor, which symbolizes peace and unity throughout The Frontier. This statue served as an inspiration for the people of Gaea, who decided to build a similar one. Additionally, Angel City is the headquarters of AI Logic, the parent company of Chevrex, and it was established in the city's Harbor District. There are strict regulations on movement between districts, with heavy monitoring, and residents of the Harbor District are not allowed to venture beyond their own area.

Angel City also holds historical significance as the birthplace of renowned pilot, Robert "Barker" Taube, who earned a reputation as someone capable of flying any aircraft. Prior to the Battle of Demeter, the Frontier Militia embarked on a mission to retrieve Barker on the planet. This endeavor led to a fierce battle, resulting in the successful extraction of Barker, although at the expense of numerous militia soldiers and pilots.