The gig economy has

a. changed the factors of production needed to produce goods and services.
b. resulted in an economy where the majority of jobs are part time.
c. expanded the percentage of freelancers who receive paid vacations.
d. allowed millions of workers to set their own work schedule.

d. allowed millions of workers to set their own work schedule.

The correct statements about the gig economy are:

a. The gig economy has changed the factors of production needed to produce goods and services. The gig economy has shifted the traditional model of employment, leading to the emergence of new business models and changing the way goods and services are produced. With the rise of freelance platforms and digital marketplaces, individuals can now provide their skills, services, and products directly to consumers or businesses, bypassing the need for traditional intermediaries.

d. The gig economy has allowed millions of workers to set their own work schedule. One of the defining characteristics of the gig economy is that individuals can choose when and how much they want to work. Gig workers have the flexibility to determine their own schedules and take on as much or as little work as they desire. This level of autonomy and control over work hours is a major appeal for many people entering the gig economy.

b. The statement that the gig economy has resulted in an economy where the majority of jobs are part-time is not entirely correct. While the gig economy has increased the number of part-time or flexible jobs available, it doesn't necessarily mean that the majority of jobs in the economy are part-time. Traditional full-time jobs still make up a significant portion of the overall labor market.

c. The statement that the gig economy has expanded the percentage of freelancers who receive paid vacations is not entirely correct. In the gig economy, most freelancers are responsible for managing their own benefits, including vacation time. While some gig platforms or companies may offer paid time off for freelancers, it is not the norm. Freelancers typically have to negotiate or factor in their own vacation time and its financial implications.