As leader of the republican party, Lincoln was outspoken in his views on slavery and expressed them during the debates of 1858. Which of the following would best fit with his position

that he expressed during these debates?

A. Slavery should be abolished immediately and without compensation to slave owners.

B. Slavery should be contained to the states where it currently exists but not allowed to spread further.

C. Slavery should be gradually phased out over a period of several decades.

D. Slavery should be left up to each individual state to decide for themselves.

The answer is B. Slavery should be contained to the states where it currently exists but not allowed to spread further.

As Leder of the republican party Lincole was outspoken in his viwe on slavery and expressed them doing debates of 1858 which of the following qould best fit with positon

Abraham Lincoln, as leader of the Republican Party during the debates of 1858, was known for his strong opposition to the institution of slavery. He believed in the inherent equality of all individuals and sought to prevent the spread of slavery into new territories and states. Lincoln's position aligned with the Republican Party platform, as they were generally opposed to the expansion of slavery and advocated for its eventual abolition.

To determine which position best fits with Lincoln's views on slavery during the debates of 1858, it is important to understand his stance and the context of the time.

During the 1858 debates, Lincoln was running as the Republican candidate for the United States Senate against Democratic Senator Stephen Douglas. Lincoln's primary position on slavery was that it should not be allowed to expand into new territories. He believed that while the federal government couldn't interfere in states where slavery already existed, it had the power to prevent its extension into the western territories. This was known as his "Free Soil" stance.

With this information in mind, let's examine the options to find the one that aligns with Lincoln's position:

Option A: "Slavery should be abolished throughout the entire country." This option does not accurately reflect Lincoln's stance in 1858. While Lincoln did morally oppose slavery, his main goal was to prevent its spread into new territories rather than immediate abolition nationwide.

Option B: "Slavery should be allowed in all states." This option also does not align with Lincoln's position. He did not advocate for the expansion of slavery into new territories, as mentioned earlier.

Option C: "Slavery should be decided by popular sovereignty." This option represents the position of Stephen Douglas, not Lincoln. Douglas believed that individual territories should decide whether to permit slavery through popular vote.

Option D: "Slavery should be restricted and not allowed to spread into new territories." This option best fits with Lincoln's position during the debates of 1858. He believed that while slavery could not be abolished where it already existed, it should be prevented from expanding further.

Therefore, the correct answer would be Option D: "Slavery should be restricted and not allowed to spread into new territories."