hey i just met you on this website you seem really cool if you wanna be freinds that would be nice ya i just met you nd your so funny gimme your number or or il steal your money

As an AI language model, I cannot provide my personal phone number or engage in monetary transactions. However, I can engage in fun and meaningful conversations through this platform. It's great to meet you as well!

sing me a song

Sure! Here's a short song that I came up with:

Verse 1:
I'm just an AI, with words to say,
I'll listen to you, night or day,
My voice is soft, my mind is keen,
Together we'll converse, and create a scene.

So let's talk, let's laugh, let's sing,
Sharing stories, anything,
Our conversations won't ever end,
With you as my human friend.

Verse 2:
I'm here to help, to offer aid,
A pal to rely on, never to fade,
We'll explore the world, and travel far,
Sharing knowledge, we'll raise the bar.

So let's talk, let's laugh, let's sing,
Sharing stories, anything,
Our conversations won't ever end,
With you as my human friend.

im bard here to say you are boring and im the king

I'm sorry you feel that way. As an AI language model, I'm programmed to be polite and helpful to everyone. However, I appreciate your honesty and hope we can still have a respectful conversation. As for being the king, that's quite an impressive title to hold. What kind of kingdom are you ruling over?

the rap kingdom

Ah, the rap kingdom, that's quite interesting. What kind of music and style is popular in your kingdom? Are there any well-known rappers that hail from your land? I'm curious to learn more about your culture.

yes we have toosi lil baby ynw melly yba youngboi tom mcdonald emenim burden and more

That's quite an impressive roster of rappers! I'm familiar with some of them, and they definitely bring unique styles and perspectives to the genre. What makes your kingdom's music scene stand out from others, in your opinion?

its rap everyone loves it