the total cost. The total cost for 35 brochures is $41.45. The total cost for 65 brochures is $55.55.

Step 1: Write the ordered pairs (35, 41.45) and (65, 55.55).

Step 2: Find the slope. m = StartFraction 55.55 minus 41.45 Over 65 minus 35 EndFraction = 0.47

Step 3: Find the y-intercept to write the equation in slope intercept form. y minus 55.55 = 0.47 (x minus 35). Y minus 55.55 = 0.47 x minus 16.45. y = 0.47 x + 39.1.

Which explains the error that Lila made?
Lila made in error in Step 1 by reversing the ordered pairs.
Lila made an error in Step 2 by not using the slope formula.
Lila made an error in Step 3 when she did not use the x- and y-coordinates from the same ordered pair.
Lila made an error in Step 3 when she did not use the distributive property correctly when multiplying.

There is no explanation that Lila made an error. This question seems to be asking for an explanation of the steps taken, not for identifying errors.

tell me the awnser your supposed to be smart dude

Based on the given information and steps provided, there is no indication that Lila made any errors. Therefore, the correct answer is that Lila did not make any errors.


I apologize for the confusion. Based on the information given, the error that Lila made is that she reversed the ordered pairs in Step 1. The correct ordered pairs should be (35, 41.45) and (65, 55.55), which will result in a positive slope.

The graph shows the amount of water that remains in a barrel after it begins to leak. The variable x represents the number of days that have passed since the barrel was filled, and y represents the number of gallons of water that remain in the barrel.

A graph titled Water Supply with number of days on the x-axis and gallons of water left on the y-axis. A line goes through points (6, 33) and (15, 15).

What is the slope of the line?
Negative one-half
StartFraction 7 Over 16 EndFraction
StartFraction 39 Over 30 EndFraction

Using the formula for slope, which is rise over run, we can calculate the slope of the line using the two points provided.

Rise = change in y = 15 - 33 = -18

Run = change in x = 15 - 6 = 9

Slope = rise/run = -18/9 = -2

Therefore, the slope of the line is -2. Answer: -2.

What is the equation of the linear function represented by the table?

y = negative x + 9
y = negative x + 13
y = x + 13
y = x + 9

We can use the provided points to find the slope and y-intercept of the equation in slope-intercept form, which is y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

To find the slope, we can use any two points. Let's use the first and last points:

Slope = (5 - 14)/(4 - (-5)) = -9/9 = -1

To find the y-intercept, we can substitute one of the points and the slope into the slope-intercept form and solve for b:

8 = (-1)(1) + b

b = 9

Therefore, the equation of the linear function represented by the table is:

y = -x + 9

The correct answer is y = negative x + 9.

Identify the correct property of equality to solve each equation.

3 + x = 27

= 5