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Kaiyochi is fiercely loyal to Kagaya due to the latter helping Kaiyochi out of his depressed state after the death of his entire family. Kaiyochi becomes visibly concerned when he sees Kagaya cough up blood due to the cursed disease inflicted onto the Ubuyashiki family by Muzan Kibutsuji.

Kaiyochi is a character who values loyalty above all else. He has been through a lot in his life, having lost his entire family at a young age. This tragic event plunged him into a deep depression, from which he struggled to recover. However, the one person who helped him through this difficult period was Kagaya. Kagaya's kind and caring nature helped to lift Kaiyochi's spirits and gave him a renewed sense of hope and purpose.

As a result of this experience, Kaiyochi has developed an unshakeable loyalty to Kagaya. He views Kagaya as not just a friend, but almost like a surrogate father figure. He respects Kagaya's wisdom and judgment and trusts him implicitly. Whenever Kagaya is in trouble or needs help, Kaiyochi is always there to lend a hand.

One such occasion occurred when Kagaya fell ill with the cursed disease that had been unleashed upon the Ubuyashiki family by the insidious Muzan Kibutsuji. Kaiyochi was deeply concerned when he saw Kagaya cough up blood. He knew that this was a sign of the disease's worsening effects and that time was running out. However, Kaiyochi's loyalty and devotion to Kagaya were unshakeable, and he was determined to do whatever it took to save his friend's life.

Thus, Kaiyochi embarked on a dangerous quest to find a cure for the cursed disease. He traveled far and wide, seeking out any clues or knowledge that might help him in his quest. Along the way, he encountered many obstacles and challenges, but he never lost faith or wavered in his determination. Eventually, Kaiyochi succeeded in locating the cure and was able to bring it back to Kagaya in time. Thanks to Kaiyochi's loyalty and devotion, Kagaya made a full recovery and was able to continue leading the Ubuyashiki family in their fight against Muzan Kibutsuji and his minions.

Kaiyochi exhibits an unwavering and profound level of loyalty towards Kagaya, which can be attributed to the immense assistance and support provided by the latter during Kaiyochi's despairing period after the heartbreaking demise of his entire family. This act of compassionate aid in times of turmoil has created a strong bond between the two, as Kaiyochi deeply appreciates Kagaya's empathetic understanding and solidarity during his darkest days.

The depth of Kaiyochi's concern for Kagaya becomes evident when he witnesses the troublesome sight of Kagaya coughing up blood, a direct consequence of the cursed disease maliciously inflicted upon the Ubuyashiki family by the heinous Muzan Kibutsuji. This distressing sight triggers a visibly tangible sense of worry and apprehension in Kaiyochi, as he is well aware of the gravity of the situation and how it poses a severe threat to Kagaya's life and well-being.

In summary, Kaiyochi's unwavering loyalty towards Kagaya is rooted in the latter's unwavering support and assistance when Kaiyochi was in the depths of despair following the tragic loss of his entire family. Furthermore, Kaiyochi's heightened concern upon witnessing Kagaya's blood-stained coughing fits highlights the grave danger posed by the cursed disease inflicted by the villainous Muzan Kibutsuji upon the Ubuyashiki family.