Hard to find by Sinesipho JoJo

Does the speaker succeed in sharing her disappointment? Discuss

As an AI language model, I do not have the ability to assess human emotions. However, based on the poem "Hard to Find" by Sinesipho JoJo, it can be inferred that the speaker is sharing their disappointment and frustration with the way things are in their society. The poem is about the persistence of inequality and injustice in the world, particularly in relation to race and gender. Throughout the poem, the speaker expresses their disappointment with their inability to change things, and their frustration with the lack of progress in society. The use of strong imagery and metaphors, such as "a broken basket," "withered petals," and "jagged edges," adds to the overall sense of disappointment conveyed in the poem. Overall, the speaker does succeed in sharing their disappointment through skillful use of language and vivid imagery.

To determine whether the speaker in the poem "Hard to find" by Sinesipho JoJo succeeds in sharing her disappointment, we need to analyze the poem and consider the effect it has on the reader.

In the poem, the speaker uses vivid imagery and descriptive language to depict a scene of disappointment. She describes how the person she is addressing has become "hard to find," implying that they are distant and no longer accessible to her. This creates a sense of loss and sadness, suggesting that she is disappointed by the person's absence or change in behavior.

Furthermore, the speaker uses other poetic elements such as repetition, metaphor, and personification to enhance the expression of her disappointment. These literary devices help to convey the speaker's emotions more effectively and create a lasting impact on the reader.

For instance, the repetition of the phrase "hard to find" throughout the poem emphasizes the speaker's feeling of frustration and disappointment. It also reinforces the idea that whatever or whoever she is referring to is no longer the same, which intensifies her sense of disappointment.

Additionally, the use of metaphors, such as "where crickets used to dance on the lips of your footsteps," adds depth to the speaker's disappointment. This comparison suggests that the person she is addressing has lost their vitality and joy, further accentuating the feeling of disappointment.

Moreover, the personification of nature in phrases like "the wind sighed heavily" and "the trees sobbed in the distance" amplifies the atmosphere of sorrow and adds an emotional layer to the poem. By portraying the surroundings as affected by her disappointment, the speaker successfully conveys the depth of her feelings.

Overall, through the effective use of vivid imagery, poetic devices, and emotional language, the speaker in "Hard to find" does succeed in sharing her disappointment with the reader. The poem effectively conveys the speaker's sense of loss and frustration, leaving a lasting impression on the reader.