Describe the three military innovations made by the Macedonians under Philip of Macedonia and Alexander the Great. Which Macedonian leader originally devised the plan to conquer Asia?

1) Use of the sarissa: The sarissa was a long spear measuring 18 feet in length that was used by the Macedonian phalanx. This gave them a longer reach than other armies and enabled them to keep the enemy at a distance while still inflicting damage.

2) Formation tactics: Philip and Alexander devised several different formations that they used to great effect in battle. One example is the oblique formation, where the right flank was strengthened and pushed forward while the left flank held back, enticing the enemy to attack. This created an opportunity for the stronger right flank to create a gap, giving the Macedonian cavalry room to charge in and attack from the side.

3) Integration of cavalry: Macedonian armies had a strong cavalry component that was used in conjunction with the phalanx and other infantry units. Alexander, in particular, was known for his use of cavalry to break enemy lines and pursue retreating forces.

It was Alexander the Great who originally devised the plan to conquer Asia.

shorten it

Macedonian military innovations under Philip and Alexander included the use of the sarissa, formation tactics, and integration of cavalry. Alexander originally planned to conquer Asia.

Under the leadership of Philip of Macedonia and Alexander the Great, the Macedonians made significant military innovations. Three of these are:

1. The Phalanx Formation: Philip of Macedonia and his son Alexander the Great introduced and perfected the phalanx formation, which became the backbone of their military strategy. The phalanx was a formation of heavily armed infantry soldiers called hoplites, equipped with long spears known as sarissas. The soldiers stood shoulder to shoulder in tight ranks, creating a wall of spears that presented a formidable defense and offense. This formation provided superior stability and cohesion, allowing the Macedonians to engage enemies head-on and overpower them.

2. Combined Arms Approach: Another significant innovation was the Macedonian's emphasis on combined arms warfare. They combined heavy infantry, cavalry, and light infantry, known as peltasts, in a coordinated manner. The synergy between these different types of troops allowed them to adapt to various terrains and engage enemies from multiple angles. This approach enabled the Macedonians to exploit the weaknesses of their foes and offered them a tactical advantage on the battlefield.

3. Siege Warfare Techniques: The Macedonians developed sophisticated siege warfare techniques, which helped them conquer fortified cities and citadels. Under Philip of Macedonia and Alexander the Great, the Macedonian army employed advanced siege towers, battering rams, and mining techniques to breach walls and fortifications. They also utilized skilled engineers to construct siege machinery, allowing them to lay siege to well-defended cities for extended periods and eventually overpower the defenders.

Regarding the Macedonian leader who devised the plan to conquer Asia, it was Alexander the Great who initially conceived and envisioned the conquest of Asia. After the assassination of his father Philip of Macedonia, Alexander inherited his father's ambitions to expand Macedonia's empire and took up the mantle to realize the dream of conquering Asia.