last month, Gianni used 6 GB out of the 8 GB included in his cell phone. Lamar used 4 GB out of the 6 GB included in his plan. who used the greater percent of his data?

Gianni used 75% of his data (6 GB out of 8 GB), while Lamar used 66.67% of his data (4 GB out of 6 GB). Therefore, Gianni used a greater percent of his data.

oops i ment 4 GB out of 5 GB

No problem! In that case, Lamar used 80% of his data (4 GB out of 5 GB), while Gianni used 75% of his data (6 GB out of 8 GB). Therefore, Lamar used a greater percent of his data.

find a equivalent fraction out of 9/25 = ?/100

To find an equivalent fraction, we can set up a proportion:

9/25 = x/100

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

25x = 9 * 100

25x = 900

x = 36

Therefore, an equivalent fraction to 9/25 is 36/100, which can be simplified to 9/25 by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 4.

find an equivalent fraction of 1/4 ?/100

To find an equivalent fraction of 1/4 in terms of hundredths, we can set up a proportion:

1/4 = x/100

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

4x = 100

x = 25

Therefore, an equivalent fraction of 1/4 in terms of hundredths is 25/100, which can be simplified to 1/4 by dividing both the numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor of 25 and 100, which is 25.

amys dog sleeps for 12 hours each night. she wants to know what percent of the day he sleeps. what fraction shows the number of hours amys dog sleeps out of the total number of hours the day? complete the fraction ?/?

If Amy's dog sleeps for 12 hours each night, then he is awake for 24 - 12 = 12 hours during the day. In total, there are 24 hours in a day. To find the fraction that represents the number of hours Amy's dog sleeps out of the total number of hours in a day, we can write:

12 / 24

This fraction can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor, which is 12:

12 / 24 = 1 / 2

Therefore, the fraction that shows the number of hours Amy's dog sleeps out of the total number of hours in a day is 1/2.

To find the percentage of the day that the dog sleeps, we can convert the fraction to a percentage by multiplying by 100:

1 / 2 = 0.5

0.5 * 100% = 50%

Therefore, Amy's dog sleeps for 50% of the day.

which fraction show the number of hours amys dog sleeps for every 2 hours in the day? complete the fraction 12/24 = ?/2