Type your response in the box.

A supermarket sells fruit snacks by the box. Each box holds x packages of strawberry snacks and y packages of cherry snacks. Nina bought 6 boxes.

Write two expressions for how many more strawberry packages than cherry packages Nina bought. Then, write what the two expressions being equivalent means in terms of the situation.

Expression 1: 6x - 6y

Expression 2: (x - y) + (x - y) + (x - y) + (x - y) + (x - y) + (x - y) = 6(x - y)

These two expressions being equivalent means that regardless of the specific values of x and y, the difference between the number of strawberry packages and cherry packages that Nina bought will always be the same.

Expression 1: 6x - 6y

Expression 2: x - y

The two expressions being equivalent means that the number of strawberry packages minus the number of cherry packages bought multiplied by the number of boxes is equal to the difference in the number of strawberry and cherry packages per box multiplied by the number of boxes.