Select ONE organization For your project

Identify the entities and their attributes
Identify the degree of their relationship
Identify their cardinalities
Draw the ERD

Organization: ABC Corporation

1. Employee
2. Department
3. Project

- ID (primary key)
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Email
- Position
- Salary

- ID (primary key)
- Name
- Manager (foreign key to Employee table)

- ID (primary key)
- Name
- Description
- Start date
- End date
- Budget
- Manager (foreign key to Employee table)
- Department (foreign key to Department table)

Degree of relationship:
- Employee works in one Department (1:N)
- Department has many Employees (N:1)
- Department manages many Projects (1:N)
- Project is managed by one Department (N:1)
- Project has many Employees working on it (N:M)
- Employee can work on multiple Projects (N:M)

- Employee: 1:N with Department, N:M with Project
- Department: N:1 with Employee, 1:N with Project
- Project: N:1 with Department, N:M with Employee

- An Employee can only work in one Department
- A Department must have at least one Employee as Manager
- A Project must have a Manager who is an Employee and must be assigned to a Department
- An Employee can work on multiple Projects, and a Project can have multiple Employees working on it
- A Department can manage multiple Projects

ERD: (see attached image)

[![ABC Corporation ERD](](

Select ONE organization For your project

Identify the entities and their attributes
Identify the degree of their relationship
Identify their cardinalities

For this project, let's select the organization "ABC Company". Here are the entities and their attributes that we can identify:

1. Employees:
- Employee ID (Primary Key)
- Name
- Job Title
- Department
- Salary
- Date of Hire

2. Projects:
- Project ID (Primary Key)
- Project Name
- Project Description
- Start Date
- End Date

3. Tasks:
- Task ID (Primary Key)
- Task Name
- Task Description
- Task Status (e.g., In Progress, Completed)

Now let's identify the degree of their relationships:

1. Employees are assigned to work on Projects.
- Relationship Degree: Many-to-Many

2. Employees are assigned Tasks within Projects.
- Relationship Degree: Many-to-Many

3. Projects consist of multiple Tasks.
- Relationship Degree: One-to-Many

Next, let's identify the cardinalities:

1. Employees can be assigned to work on multiple Projects, and Projects can have multiple Employees working on them.
- Cardinality: Many-to-Many

2. Employees can be assigned multiple Tasks, and Tasks can be assigned to multiple Employees.
- Cardinality: Many-to-Many

3. Projects can consist of multiple Tasks, but each Task belongs to only one Project.
- Cardinality: One-to-Many

Now, let's define some constraints for the organization:

1. An Employee must have a unique Employee ID.
2. A Project must have a unique Project ID.
3. A Task must have a unique Task ID.
4. An Employee cannot be assigned duplicate Tasks within a Project.
5. An Employee cannot be assigned duplicate Projects.

Finally, to create the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD), we need to represent these entities, their attributes, relationships, and cardinalities visually. The ERD will illustrate the relationships between Employees, Projects, and Tasks.

Unfortunately, as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to draw visual diagrams. However, you can use ERD diagramming tools like Lucidchart,, or Microsoft Visio to create the ERD based on the information provided.

For this project, let's choose an organization called "XYZ Company" as the example.

First, we need to identify the entities and their attributes:

1. Employee:
- Attributes: EmployeeID, First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone, DepartmentID

2. Department:
- Attributes: DepartmentID, Department Name, ManagerID

3. Manager:
- Attributes: ManagerID, First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone

Now, we can determine the degree of their relationships:

1. Employee to Department:
- Degree: Many-to-One (Many employees can be assigned to one department, but each employee can only be in one department)

2. Department to Manager:
- Degree: One-to-One (Each department can have only one manager, and each manager can manage only one department)

Next, let's identify their cardinalities:

1. Employee to Department:
- Cardinality: Many employees (represented as "M") to one department (represented as "1")

2. Department to Manager:
- Cardinality: One department (represented as "1") to one manager (represented as "1")

Lastly, we need to consider any constraints specific to this organization, such as:

- An employee must be part of at least one department.
- Each department must have a manager assigned.
- ManagerID in the Employee and Manager entities should match.

To draw the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), you can use various software or tools like Lucidchart, Visual Paradigm, or even draw it manually. In the ERD, you will represent the entities as rectangles, the relationships as lines connecting the entities, and the attributes within the rectangles.

Remember that the shape, size, and representation style of an ERD may vary based on personal preferences and conventions, so feel free to create your own version according to your project's requirements and guidelines.