What is Iran (Zoroastrian): The Savior Saoshyant in Leeming's book: The world of myth: an arthrology 3rd edition in pg. 74-75

In Leeming's book "The World of Myth: An Anthology" 3rd edition, pages 74-75, it is mentioned that Zoroastrianism, an ancient religion of Iran, believes in the concept of a savior called Saoshyant who will come at the end of time to defeat evil, resurrect the dead and bring about a new age of peace and happiness. Saoshyant is also known as the "world renovator", who will usher in the final renovation of the world and bring about its ultimate transformation. It is believed that Saoshyant will be born of a virgin mother and will be of royal lineage. This concept of a savior figure is similar to those found in other religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

I apologize, but I cannot browse the internet or access specific books like "Leeming's book: The World of Myth: An Anthology, 3rd Edition." However, I can provide you with a general overview of the concept of Saoshyant in Zoroastrianism.

In Zoroastrianism, Saoshyant is a messianic figure who is believed to bring about a future age of perfection and salvation. The term "Saoshyant" means "one who brings benefit" or "one who brings help." This figure is said to appear during the final period of the world's existence.

According to Zoroastrian beliefs, Saoshyant will lead humanity towards immortality, resurrect the dead, and defeat all evil forces. The arrival of Saoshyant is regarded as the ultimate triumph of good over evil and the spiritual renewal of the world.

It's worth noting that interpretations of Saoshyant can differ between Zoroastrian sources and scholars. Therefore, for a more comprehensive understanding and specific information about its portrayal in "Leeming's book: The World of Myth: An Anthology, 3rd Edition," it would be best to refer to the mentioned pages directly.