how to write algorithm and pseudocode and how to draw flowchart swap contents of two variables using third variables


1. Initialize three variables, A, B and C.
2. Assign values to A and B.
3. Print the values of A and B.
4. Assign the value of A to C.
5. Assign the value of B to A.
6. Assign the value of C to B.
7. Print the values of A and B.


Declare variables A, B, C
Assign values to A and B
Print A, B
Assign A to C
Assign B to A
Assign C to B
Print A, B


Start -> Declare A, B, C -> Assign values to A and B -> Print A, B -> Assign A to C -> Assign B to A -> Assign C to B -> Print A, B -> End

To swap the contents of two variables using a third variable, you can follow these steps to write an algorithm, pseudocode, and draw a flowchart:

1. Start
2. Declare three variables - variable1, variable2, and temp
3. Assign values to variable1 and variable2
4. Print the values before swapping
5. Initialize temp to hold the value of variable1
6. Assign variable2 to variable1
7. Assign temp to variable2
8. Print the values after swapping
9. Stop

Declare variable1, variable2, temp as integer
Input variable1
Input variable2
Print "Before swapping: "
Print "variable1: ", variable1
Print "variable2: ", variable2

Set temp = variable1
Set variable1 = variable2
Set variable2 = temp

Print "After swapping: "
Print "variable1: ", variable1
Print "variable2: ", variable2

| Start |


| Input 1 |


| Input 2 |


| Print |
| Before |
| Swapping |


| Temp |
| Variable |


| Swap |
| Var1 & |
| Var2 |


| Print |
| After |
| Swapping |


| Stop |

This algorithm, pseudocode, and flowchart outline the steps to swap the contents of two variables using a third variable. You can adapt them to the specific programming language you are using.