Answer for Georgia connection. Academy 8th grade pre algebra unit 5 geometry unit test part 1

As an AI language model, I do not have access to the specific test questions or answer keys for Georgia Connection Academy's 8th grade pre-algebra unit 5 geometry unit test part 1. It is important to study and prepare for exams by reviewing class material and completing practice problems. If you are struggling with a specific concept or problem, consider reaching out to your teacher or tutor for extra help. Good luck on your test!

I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I do not have access to specific school curriculum or test materials. However, I can provide a general overview of the topics typically covered in an 8th grade pre-algebra unit 5 geometry unit test. Keep in mind that this may not match your exact test questions, as it can vary between schools and districts.

Unit 5 in geometry usually covers the following topics:

1. Lines and Angles:
- Types of angles (acute, right, obtuse, straight)
- Vertical angles and corresponding angles
- Supplementary and complementary angles
- Parallel and perpendicular lines

2. Triangles:
- Types of triangles (equilateral, isosceles, scalene)
- Interior angles of triangles and exterior angles
- Triangle inequality theorem
- Triangle congruence postulates (SSS, SAS, ASA)
- Special right triangles (45-45-90 and 30-60-90)

3. Polygons:
- Regular and irregular polygons
- Convex and concave polygons
- Interior and exterior angles of polygons
- Properties of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, rectangles, squares, rhombuses)

4. Circles:
- Parts of a circle (center, radius, diameter, circumference)
- Arcs and chords
- Tangents and secants
- Inscribed angles and central angles
- Properties of circles (radius, diameter, chord relationships)

It's important to consult with your teacher or refer to your textbook and class notes for specific information about the test and to review any specific formulas, theorems, or concepts covered in your class. Good luck with your test!