What are the instruments used to measure air pressure called?

The instruments used to measure air pressure are called barometers.

The process whereby the quality of water reduces when heated for a long time is known as what

The process whereby the quality of water reduces when heated for a long time is known as "water degradation" or simply "degradation." When water is heated, it can lead to the concentration of minerals and other impurities in the water, making it less pure and less healthy for consumption. This is why water is often boiled only once or twice, and then allowed to cool before being consumed.

Another name for water the degradation

Another name for water degradation which occurs due to prolonged heating is “thermal degradation of water.”

What's the meaning of the following words


1. Condensation: The process by which a gas or vapor changes into a liquid when it is cooled or compressed. This change involves the release of heat and can form droplets or clouds.

2. Evaporation: The process by which a liquid turns into a gas or vapor from its surface, without necessarily reaching boiling point. This process is a cooling process and occurs due to heat or other forms of energy.

3. Vaporization: A physical process where a liquid or a solid changes into a gas or vapor due to an increase in temperature and/or pressure. In other words, it refers to the transformation of a substance from a liquid or solid state into a gas state.

4. Purification: The act or process of making something pure, free from contaminants or pollutants that may cause harm or impurities such as chemicals, dirt, bacteria, viruses, among others. Purification can be done by various physical and chemical techniques.