When cut into 10 equal slices, each slice is 1/10 of the pizza. Express how much of the pizza 7 of these slices would be in decimal form

7 slices would be 7/10 of the pizza. In decimal form, this is 0.7.

To express how much of the pizza 7 slices would be in decimal form:

Step 1: Calculate the fraction of the pizza that one slice represents.
Each slice is 1/10 of the pizza.

Step 2: Multiply the fraction of one slice by the number of slices you want to find out.
(1/10) * 7 = 7/10

Step 3: Convert the fraction to decimal form.
7/10 = 0.7

Therefore, 7 of these slices would be 0.7 (in decimal form) of the pizza.