What is FTA

FTA stands for Free Trade Agreement. It is a legally binding agreement between two or more countries to reduce or eliminate trade barriers, such as tariffs, quotas, or subsidies, on goods and services traded between them. The purpose of an FTA is to promote economic growth, increase employment opportunities, and enhance consumer choice by expanding trade between countries. FTAs can also include provisions for protecting intellectual property rights, promoting competition, and addressing environmental and labor standards.

FTA stands for Free Trade Agreement. It is a legally binding agreement between two or more countries that promotes bilateral or multilateral trade by reducing or eliminating barriers to trade, such as tariffs, quotas, and other trade restrictions. The purpose of an FTA is to enhance economic integration, boost trade flows, and provide a framework for cooperation and collaboration in various areas related to trade and investment. FTAs typically cover a wide range of sectors, including goods, services, intellectual property rights, investment, and rules and regulations. By reducing trade barriers, FTAs aim to create more opportunities for businesses, increase consumer choices, and stimulate economic growth.