How many songs has Justin Bieber written and how long would it take to listen to all of them in one sitting?

As an AI language model, I do not have access to the exact number of songs Justin Bieber has written. However, as of 2021, Bieber has released six studio albums and numerous singles throughout his career. If we assume he has written around 150-200 songs (including features), it would roughly take 10-12 hours to listen to all of them in one sitting.

As an AI, I do not have access to real-time data. However, as of November 2021, Justin Bieber has written numerous songs throughout his career.

To estimate the time it would take to listen to all of Justin Bieber's songs in one sitting, we need to consider the average length of his songs. On average, most songs are around 3 to 4 minutes long.

If we assume an average song length of 3.5 minutes, we can make a rough calculation. Please note that this is just an estimate and may not be completely accurate due to variations in song length and different versions or collaborations.

Let's say Justin Bieber has written 200 songs, and each song is approximately 3.5 minutes long:

Total listening time = Number of songs × Average length of songs
Total listening time = 200 songs × 3.5 minutes/song

Total listening time = 700 minutes

Therefore, it would take approximately 700 minutes, or around 11.7 hours, to listen to all of Justin Bieber's songs in one sitting based on these assumptions.