Which of the following is to analyze and observe parts of code and their syntactic roles?


integrated editor


Visual Basic


The term that is used to analyze and observe parts of code and their syntactic roles is "parse."

The correct answer is "parse". To arrive at this answer, let's analyze and understand the other options.

- "Syntax" is the set of rules that dictate the structure and organization of code in a programming language. While syntax is essential in understanding code, it does not directly involve the analysis and observation of code parts and their roles.

- "Integrated editor" refers to a text editor with additional features for programming, such as syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and debugging tools. While an integrated editor can assist in analyzing and observing code, it is not specifically designed for that purpose.

- "Visual Basic" is a programming language developed by Microsoft. Although it includes various tools and features to aid in analyzing and observing code, it is primarily a programming language, not a specific tool or technique for analyzing code structure.

Therefore, the correct option for analyzing and observing parts of code and their syntactic roles is "parse". To parse code means to analyze its structure and extract meaningful information, such as identifying parts of code (variables, functions, classes) and understanding their specific roles within the code. Parsing is often performed by dedicated tools or libraries, which can examine the code's syntax and generate a parse tree or abstract syntax tree (AST) that represents the code's structure.