Kwame travelled from Accra to Kumasi. He travelled 3/10 of the journey by lorry. 2/5 of the journey by taxi and the rest by train. What fraction of the journey did he travel by train?

To find the fraction of the journey traveled by train, we need to first find the fraction of the journey traveled by lorry and by taxi, and then subtract this from 1 (since the remaining fraction is the part traveled by train).

Fraction traveled by lorry = 3/10

Fraction traveled by taxi = 2/5

Total fraction traveled by lorry and taxi = 3/10 + 2/5 = 3/10 + 4/10 = 7/10

Fraction traveled by train = 1 - 7/10 = 3/10

Therefore, Kwame traveled 3/10 of the journey by train.

Simplify 1/3 (2 2/3 + 5/6)

To simplify this expression, we first need to convert the mixed number 2 2/3 to an improper fraction:

2 2/3 = (3 × 2) + 2 / 3 = 8/3

Now we can rewrite the expression as:

1/3 (8/3 + 5/6)

To add these fractions, we need a common denominator. The lowest common multiple of 3 and 6 is 6, so we can convert the fractions as follows:

1/3 (8/3 + 5/6) = 1/3 (16/6 + 5/6)

= 1/3 (21/6)

To simplify further, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor of 3:

1/3 (21/6) = 7/6

Therefore, 1/3 (2 2/3 + 5/6) simplifies to 7/6.

What fraction of a revolution is 72 degree

A full revolution is 360 degrees.

To find out what fraction of a revolution 72 degrees is, we can set up a proportion:

72 degrees / 360 degrees = x / 1

where x is the fraction of a revolution that 72 degrees represents.

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

72 degrees * 1 = 360 degrees * x

72 = 360x

x = 72/360

x = 1/5

Therefore, 72 degrees is equivalent to 1/5 of a revolution.

Which of the following fractions is equivalent 3/5

To determine which of the following fractions is equivalent to 3/5, we need to simplify each fraction and compare it to 3/5:

A. 4/6 = 2/3 - This fraction is not equivalent to 3/5, as it simplifies to 2/3.

B. 6/9 = 2/3 - This fraction is not equivalent to 3/5, as it simplifies to 2/3.

C. 9/15 = 3/5 - This fraction is equivalent to 3/5, as it simplifies to the same value.

D. 15/25 = 3/5 - This fraction is also equivalent to 3/5, as it simplifies to the same value.

Therefore, the fractions that are equivalent to 3/5 are C. 9/15 and D. 15/25.

There are 12 boys and 18 girls in a class. Find the fraction of boys in the class.

The fraction of boys in the class is given by:

Number of Boys / Total Number of Students

We are told that there are 12 boys and 18 girls in the class, which gives a total of:

Total Number of Students = 12 + 18 = 30

So the fraction of boys in the class is:

Number of Boys / Total Number of Students = 12/30

To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 6:

12/30 = (2 × 6) / (5 × 6) = 2/5

Therefore, the fraction of boys in the class is 2/5.

What fraction of 3 weeks is 18 days?

The sum of two numbers is 240. If one of them is y. find the other number.

Let's call the other number x.

We know that the sum of x and y is 240, so we can write an equation:

x + y = 240

We want to find the value of x when y is given. So, we can substitute y in the equation:

x + y = 240

x + (given value of y) = 240

We don't know the value of y, but we can solve for x in terms of y:

x = 240 - y

This equation tells us that x is equal to 240 minus y. So if we know the value of y, we can find the value of x by substituting it into this equation.

For example, if y = 100, then:

x = 240 - y = 240 - 100 = 140

Therefore, when one of the numbers is y, and the sum of the two numbers is 240, the other number is 240 minus y.