An international match between Nigeria and Liberia is scheduled for 5pm in port Hartcourt Nigeria 75°E Calculate the time radio listeners will turn in the radio for match. Show work

To calculate the time radio listeners will turn in the radio for the match, we need to know the time difference between Port Hartcourt, Nigeria (where the match will take place) and the international time standard, which is Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

We can look up the time difference on a time zone map or use an online time zone converter. According to the converter, Port Hartcourt, Nigeria is in West Africa Time (WAT), which is UTC+1. This means that Nigeria is one hour ahead of UTC.

To find out what time it will be in UTC when the match starts at 5pm local time, we need to subtract one hour from the local time:

5:00pm - 1 hour = 4:00pm UTC

So the match will start at 4:00pm UTC. Radio listeners in other parts of the world will need to adjust their listening time based on their own time zone and the time difference with UTC.

To determine the time radio listeners will tune in for the match, we need to consider the time difference between the locations of Nigeria (Port Harcourt) and Liberia.

Port Harcourt, Nigeria is located at 75°E, while Liberia is located at approximately 7°30' W.

To calculate the time difference, we need to convert the longitude difference between the two locations into time difference. We can assume that every 15° of longitude corresponds to a time difference of 1 hour.

Longitude difference between the two locations:
75°E - 7°30'W

Converting West to East longitude:
75° + (360° - 7°30')

= 75° + 352°30'

= 427°30'

Converting degrees to hours:
427°30' ÷ 15° = 28 hours 30 minutes

Therefore, the time difference between Port Harcourt, Nigeria (75°E) and Liberia (7°30'W) is approximately 28 hours 30 minutes.

If the match is scheduled for 5 pm in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, radio listeners in Liberia would need to tune in 28 hours 30 minutes earlier to synchronize with the live broadcast.

Thus, radio listeners in Liberia would need to tune in at (5 pm - 28 hours 30 minutes) the previous day to catch the match.

Please note that this calculation assumes both locations are observing the same time zone, and there are no considerations for daylight saving time or any other regional time adjustments.