Write 4 and 1/6% as simple fraction

4 and 1/6% as a simple fraction is 25/6%.

To convert a percentage to a fraction, divide the percentage by 100 and simplify the fraction if possible.

4 and 1/6% can be written as 4.1666...%

To convert this to a fraction:
1. Divide 4.1666... by 100:
4.1666... / 100 = 0.041666...

2. Since there is a repeating decimal pattern, we can represent it as a fraction by using the repeating part as the numerator and the same number of nines in the denominator as there are repeating digits. In this case, we have one repeating digit, so we use a single 9.

0.041666... = 41/999

Therefore, 4 and 1/6% can be simplified to the fraction 41/999.