"an omnibenevolent God would not allow inequality in his creation". Do you agree? Answer the statement with your paragraphs in the "PEELE" structure: point, evidence, explain, link, evaluate.


The statement "an omnibenevolent God would not allow inequality in his creation" is a debatable statement that raises questions on the concept of God's character regarding the existence of inequality in the world.

In many religions, God is regarded as loving, kind, and just. However, despite this ideal characterization, inequality still exists in our world. Millions of people suffer from poverty, hunger, illness, racism, and discrimination. The existence of inequality raises questions regarding God's nature and whether such a God actually exists.

The argument that an omnibenevolent God would not allow inequality in his creation is based on the belief that God is all-loving and all-powerful. If God loves all creation equally, then inequality should not exist. However, if such a God exists, then why does inequality still persist? One possible explanation is that human beings have free will, and as a result, they are responsible for creating most of the injustices that lead to inequality. Additionally, one could argue that inequality is necessary for human growth and development, and thus God allows it to exist as a means to build our character and increase our empathy for those around us.

In summary, the statement "an omnibenevolent God would not allow inequality in his creation" is a complex issue that requires a critical examination of the concept of God's nature. While it may seem reasonable to expect that an all-loving God would not allow inequality in the world, there are various explanations for its existence, such as free will and its potential benefits for human growth and development.

In my opinion, the argument that an omnibenevolent God would not allow inequality in his creation is oversimplified. While God may be loving and just, human beings have free will, and it is our responsibility to use this free will to create a just and equitable society. Moreover, the existence of inequality in the world reminds us of our social and moral obligations to help those in need and strives toward creating a fairer world. Therefore, instead of questioning the existence of God itself, perhaps we should focus on using our free will to create a more just and equal society.

Point: I partially agree with the statement that "an omnibenevolent God would not allow inequality in his creation." While an omnibenevolent deity would generally be expected to create a world without inequality, it is essential to consider the philosophical perspective of free will and the concept of a just universe.

Evidence: The existence of inequality in the world is undeniable, as there are vast disparities in wealth, access to resources, and opportunities among individuals. If an omnibenevolent God were to create a world without inequality, there would be no suffering, discrimination, or injustice. It would imply that all people would have equal abilities, resources, and circumstances, leading to a harmonious existence.

Explain: However, the presence of inequalities can be seen as a consequence of human free will. It is within our capacity to make choices that can lead to inequality. Additionally, some forms of inequality, such as natural differences, can be seen as necessary for the functioning of diverse ecosystems or the development of certain virtues, such as empathy and charity.

Link: From a religious standpoint, various philosophical and theological perspectives tackle the issue of inequality in relation to an omnibenevolent God. Some argue that God permits inequality as a means to test individual character and promote personal growth. Others propose that inequality is a result of humanity's fallen nature or a consequence of cosmic order and justice.

Evaluate: While it seems contradictory that an omnibenevolent God would allow inequality, there is room for interpretation and understanding regarding the reasons behind its existence. The concept of free will and the idea that inequalities can serve a greater purpose in the divine plan offer potential explanations. Ultimately, the notion of an omnibenevolent God coexisting with inequality requires a nuanced analysis that incorporates broader theological perspectives and philosophical considerations.