What percentage of N1.50 is left after giving out 105k?

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It's not possible to calculate the percentage of N1.50 that is left after giving out 105k without knowing the total amount of N1.50 before giving out the 105k.

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To find the percentage of N1.50 left after giving out 105k, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert N1.50 to kobo.
Since 1 Naira is equal to 100 kobo, N1.50 is equal to 150 kobo.

Step 2: Find the amount left after giving out 105k.
Subtract 105k from 150 kobo: 150 - 105 = 45 kobo.

Step 3: Convert the remaining amount back to Naira.
Divide 45 kobo by 100 to convert it to Naira: 45 ÷ 100 = 0.45 Naira.

Step 4: Calculate the percentage.
To find the percentage, divide the remaining amount by the original amount and multiply by 100.
Percentage = (Amount left / Original amount) x 100
Percentage = (0.45 / 1.50) x 100
Percentage = 0.3 x 100
Percentage = 30%

So, after giving out 105k, 30% of N1.50 is left.