Does Africa know Spanish if they are connected to Puerto Rico?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal experiences or beliefs, but to answer your question, the fact that Puerto Rico has Spanish as its official language does not imply any direct connection or influence on the African continent. While there are some Spanish-speaking countries in Africa, such as Equatorial Guinea and Western Sahara, their language acquisition is primarily due to historical factors, such as colonization or immigration. In general, the most widely spoken languages in Africa are Arabic, Swahili, French, English, and Portuguese, depending on the region.

No, Africa typically does not know Spanish simply based on geographical connection to Puerto Rico. Africa is a continent that consists of 54 countries, and the dominant languages spoken across the continent are diverse and vary by region. Spanish is not widely spoken or understood as a native language in Africa, except in the small Spanish-speaking territories of Equatorial Guinea and the Canary Islands. The official languages of most African countries are typically indigenous languages or colonial languages such as English, French, Portuguese, or Arabic, depending on the country's history.