what two information organizations, when juxtaposed, are good examples in the success/failure of the motivation model (intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation)?

One example of the success of intrinsic motivation can be seen in Google, where employees are given time to work on their own projects and are encouraged to pursue their passions. This approach has led to numerous successful products and services, such as Gmail and Google Maps.

In contrast, a good example of the failure of extrinsic motivation can be seen in Wells Fargo's sales incentive program, where employees were rewarded for meeting sales targets. This system led to a widespread scandal where employees created fraudulent accounts in order to meet targets, highlighting the negative effects of extrinsic motivation on ethical behavior.

Two well-known information organizations that can be juxtaposed to highlight the success or failure of the motivation models are Google and Yahoo.

1. Google: Google is often considered a success story when it comes to intrinsic motivation. The company is known for its innovative and engaging work culture, which promotes creativity, autonomy, and mastery. It offers employees flexible working hours, encourages them to pursue their own projects through initiatives like Google's 20% time, and provides various perks and benefits to keep the employees motivated. This approach of fostering intrinsic motivation has been successful in driving innovation and attracting top talent.

2. Yahoo: Yahoo, on the other hand, is often cited as an example of a company that has struggled with extrinsic motivation. In the past, Yahoo was notorious for its rigid corporate culture, micromanagement practices, and lack of employee autonomy. This approach focuses more on external rewards, such as bonuses, promotions, and high salaries, as motivations. However, it led to a decline in employee motivation, creativity, and ultimately the company's overall performance.

In summary, the juxtaposition of Google and Yahoo highlights how fostering intrinsic motivation, such as autonomy, mastery, and purpose, can lead to success, while a heavy reliance on extrinsic motivation, like monetary rewards alone, can result in a lack of motivation and hinder organizational performance.