One day at kips sachool,2/5 of the students were absent and 3/5 of those present went on a field trip.if the number of students staying at school was many students are enrolled at kips school

Let's start by finding out what fraction of the total number of students went on the field trip.

If 2/5 of the students were absent, then 3/5 of them were present. This gives us:

3/5 * (total number of students) = (number of students who were present)

Now, if 3/5 of those present went on a field trip, we can find the number of students who stayed at school:

(2/5)*(total number of students) = (number of students who were absent)

(number of students who were present) - (number of students who went on the field trip) = (number of students who stayed at school)

Plugging in the given information, we get:

3/5 * (total number of students) - 3/5 * 3/5 * (total number of students) = 520

Multiplying both sides by the reciprocal of 3/5:

(5/3) * (3/5) * (total number of students) - (5/3) * (9/25) * (total number of students) = 520


(total number of students) - (9/25)*(total number of students) = 520 * (3/5)

(16/25) * (total number of students) = 312

Solving for (total number of students):

(total number of students) = 312 * (25/16)

(total number of students) = 487.5 (rounded to the nearest whole number)

Therefore, there are approximately 488 students enrolled at Kips School.

Let's break down the information given step-by-step to find the number of students enrolled at Kips school.

Step 1: Calculate the number of students who went on a field trip.
Given that 3/5 of those present went on a field trip, and the number of students present is 520, we can calculate the number who went on a field trip as follows:
Number who went on a field trip = (3/5) * 520 = (3 * 520) / 5 = 1560 / 5 = 312

Step 2: Calculate the number of students absent.
Given that 2/5 of the students were absent, and the number of students staying at school is 520, we can calculate the total number of students as follows:
Number of students absent = (2/5) * Total number of students = (2/5) * Total number of students = 520

Step 3: Find the total number of students enrolled at Kips school.
To find the total number of students enrolled at the school, we can use the equation:
Total number of students = Number of students present + Number of students absent
Total number of students = 520 + 312 = 832

So, there are 832 students enrolled at Kips school.