If carpet costs $ 22.78

per square yard and is available in whole square yards​ only, find the cost of carpeting the three bedroom floors in the accompanying floor plan.

It is not possible to answer the question without the accompanying floor plan. Please provide the floor plan for accurate calculation.

To find the cost of carpeting the three bedroom floors, we need to determine the area of each bedroom floor and then calculate the total cost based on the given price per square yard.

1. Calculate the area of each bedroom floor:
- Bedroom 1: 12 ft by 10 ft = 120 square feet
- Bedroom 2: 14 ft by 11 ft = 154 square feet
- Bedroom 3: 11 ft by 13 ft = 143 square feet

2. Convert the square footage to square yards:
To convert the square footage to square yards, we divide by 9 since 1 square yard is equal to 9 square feet.
- Bedroom 1: 120 square feet / 9 = 13.33 square yards (rounded to the nearest whole number: 13 square yards)
- Bedroom 2: 154 square feet / 9 = 17.11 square yards (rounded to the nearest whole number: 17 square yards)
- Bedroom 3: 143 square feet / 9 = 15.89 square yards (rounded to the nearest whole number: 16 square yards)

3. Calculate the total cost:
- Bedroom 1: 13 square yards * $22.78 = $296.14
- Bedroom 2: 17 square yards * $22.78 = $387.26
- Bedroom 3: 16 square yards * $22.78 = $364.48

Total cost = $296.14 + $387.26 + $364.48 = $1,047.88

Therefore, the cost of carpeting the three bedroom floors in the floor plan is $1,047.88.