Use 3.14 as pi. Use the formula V= pi x radius squared x height. Round to nearest tenth of a unit. Hint: 239/3.14/6 = 12.68577495

A cylinder has a volume of 239 cubic centimetres and a height of 6 centimeters. what is the Radius.

V= pi x r^2 x h

239 = 3.14 x r^2 x 6

239/3.14/6 = r^2

12.68577495 = r^2

r = √(12.68577495)

r ≈ 3.56 cm (rounded to nearest tenth)

Therefore, the radius of the cylinder is approximately 3.56 cm.

First, let's rearrange the formula to solve for the radius:

V = π * r^2 * h

Since the volume (V) is given as 239 cm^3 and the height (h) is given as 6 cm, we can substitute those values into the equation:

239 = 3.14 * r^2 * 6

Next, let's divide both sides of the equation by 3.14 * 6 to isolate the variable r^2:

239 / (3.14 * 6) = r^2

Using the hint you provided, we can simplify the left side of the equation:

239 / (3.14 * 6) ≈ 12.7

So, we have:

r^2 ≈ 12.7

Lastly, let's take the square root of both sides of the equation to solve for r:

√(r^2) ≈ √12.7

r ≈ √12.7

Using a calculator, we find:

r ≈ 3.57

Therefore, the radius of the cylinder is approximately 3.57 cm.