Kofi spent 2/3 of his pocket money on food . And 1/3 of the remaining on water . What fraction of his money is left

Kofi has 1/3 of his pocket money left.

To see why, we can use fractions to break down what he spent:

- Kofi spent 2/3 of his money on food, which means he has 1/3 of his money left.
- Then, he spent 1/3 of the remaining money on water.
- We can find out how much money he has left by multiplying the fractions:

1/3 (remaining) x 1/3 (spent on water)

= 1/9

So Kofi has 1/9 of his original pocket money left after spending 2/3 on food and 1/3 of the remaining on water.

To find out what fraction of Kofi's money is left, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the amount of money Kofi spent on food by multiplying his pocket money by 2/3.
Step 2: Subtract the amount spent on food from Kofi's pocket money to find out how much money is remaining.
Step 3: Calculate the amount of money Kofi spent on water by multiplying the remaining money by 1/3.
Step 4: Subtract the amount spent on water from the remaining money to find out how much money is left.
Step 5: Express the amount of money left as a fraction of his pocket money.

Let's do the calculations step-by-step:

Step 1:
Pocket money spent on food = Pocket money × 2/3

Step 2:
Remaining money = Pocket money - Pocket money spent on food

Step 3:
Money spent on water = Remaining money × 1/3

Step 4:
Money left = Remaining money - Money spent on water

Step 5:
Fraction of money left = Money left / Pocket money

Please provide the value of Kofi's pocket money to proceed with the calculations.