A company employs 79 students 52 of whom are men 38 people including all the women are clerical staff

Fiend the number of men that are clerical staff

There are 79 - 38 = 41 women employed by the company.

So, there are 52 - M men who are clerical staff.
Therefore, M = 52 - (79 - 38) = 11 men who are clerical staff.

To find the number of men that are clerical staff, we need to subtract the number of women employees who are clerical staff from the total number of clerical staff.

Total clerical staff = 38
Number of women clerical staff = 38

To find the number of men clerical staff:
Number of men clerical staff = Total clerical staff - Number of women clerical staff

Number of men clerical staff = 38 - 0 (since there are no women clerical staff)

Therefore, the number of men that are clerical staff is 38.