Classic Algorithms Quick Check

2 of 52 of 5 Items

Which of the following search algorithms is represented by the pseudocode?

index = 0

WHILE (index < number of items in the list)


IF (list[index] == target element)


RETURN index


index = index+1

(1 point)


binary search
binary search


linear search

linear search

no clue i am in the same boat as you!!

The search algorithm represented by the given pseudocode is a linear search.

To determine which search algorithm is represented by the given pseudocode, we need to analyze the logic of the code.

The pseudocode follows a simple linear search algorithm.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the code:

1. The index is initialized to 0.
2. The while loop continues as long as the index is less than the number of items in the list.
3. Inside the loop, it checks if the element at the current index in the list is equal to the target element.
4. If it is, the function returns the current index.
5. If it is not, it increments the index by 1 and continues to the next iteration of the loop.

Based on this analysis, the search algorithm represented by the pseudocode is a linear search algorithm.

So, the correct answer is "linear search".